Monday, April 4, 2011

If I can still use words

I`ve been a blogger once. Politics was my thing. I`m not sure if my writing did any good but all I know is if I made one person not to vote for the Wrong guy, it wasn`t meaningless.
Nowadays I`m expressing myself with no words. I`m a photographer, thank you very much. And although I`m forced to be creative on a daily bases, sometimes it gets a bit dull with no words. This is an attempt to combine words & photos and we`ll see how it goes. Not so easy I presume, since I havent read a non-photography or non-law related book for years, and havent written anything readable for as much as long. So... here I come.


  1. sad sam i procitala, a tek ucim da ostavljam statuse :p

  2. Jos jedan blog koji cu dodati u svoju blog listu za pracenje. Sa nestrpljenjem iscekujemo prvi words+photo post. :)

  3. Good things, Ralphy boy ;)

  4. Zabeleshke jednog... fotografa
    umjetnika :)
